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Local Missions Partnership Form
Work Entry
Added: 2/21/2025
First Name
First Name cannot contain special characters such as quotes, parentheses, etc.
First Name cannot contain emojis or special fonts.
First Name is required.
Last Name
Last Name cannot contain special characters such as quotes, parentheses, etc.
Last Name cannot contain emojis or special fonts.
Last Name is required.
Email address is not valid
Email is required.
Can you tell us about your involvement with TVC?
I am an Elder or Staff Member
I am a Member
I regularly attend but am not a member
I do not regularly attend but watch online.
I am not actively involved with The Village Church
Can you tell us about your involvement with TVC? is required.
Name of the organization being nominated
Name of the organization being nominated is required.
How long have you been engaged with this organization?
0-6 months
6 months-1 yr
1-3 yrs
3-5 yrs
5-10 yrs
10+ yrs
How long have you been engaged with this organization? is required.
To what degree are you currently involved in this organization?
I give financially to this organization
I serve regularly with this organization
I am on the board of this organization
I am not currently involved with this organization
To what degree are you currently involved in this organization? is required.
Which of the following Local Missions causes does this partnership fit into?
Family Restoration / Child Advocacy
Anti Trafficking
Refugee and Immigrant Care
Community Development/Food Insecurity
None of the Above
Which of the following Local Missions causes does this partnership fit into? is required.
In what way does this organization's work meaningfully impact one or multiple of the causes above?
In what way does this organization's work meaningfully impact one or multiple of the causes above? is required.