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The Multitude before the Throne

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Mission, Vision, and Power

| May 26, 2024

The gospel of Jesus is an invitation out of restlessness, anxiety, and anger and into a life of meaning and purpose. By His Spirit, there is power ...

For Generations to Come

| May 19, 2024

After the death of Joshua, the next generation of Israel embraced false gods and forgot the Lord and all that He had done for them. We read this as...

The Resurrection of Our King

| Mar 31, 2024

In defiance of death, Christ rose from the grave and imparted life to all who believe. He has reanimated our hearts with abundant life, fullness of...

A Miraculous Life

| Mar 24, 2024

God loves everybody. He can save anybody. He can use everybody. He is always working, and you can trust Him. Jesus longs to meet you, use you for H...

Fully Known

| Mar 17, 2024

We are fully known and fully loved by our God. He calls us His children, priests, heirs, friends, His workmanship, and the chosen citizens of heave...

The Posture and Pace of Discipleship

| Mar 10, 2024

The Word of the Lord is sweeter than honey and more precious than gold. If any of us lacks wisdom, His Word says to ask for it, and He will give. W...

Christ Our Hope

| Dec 31, 2023

The cycle of self-improvement and failure persists because we cannot save ourselves. The salvation we need is outside our grasp unless we are reach...

Lost at Home

| Nov 19, 2023

The parable of the prodigal son has a natural focus on the son who leaves, lives recklessly, and returns. But many of us live out our faith like th...

Stones of Remembrance

| Oct 22, 2023

Whether through altars built or communion elements taken, God places a high emphasis on remembrance for His people. When we remember correctly, we ...

Waiting on God

| Sep 19, 2023

The tenured farmer, after preparing the ground with seed, does not pester the crop to hurry the harvest. He waits. James tells us to be patient for...

Sowing and Reaping

| Aug 27, 2023

There is objective truth that doesn’t erase difficulty, but brings true life. In God’s design, there is accountability for our actions. And God is ...


| Jul 23, 2023

It is of utmost importance to follow God, and utterly impossible to do it on our own. When we face the important and impossible, we tend to run tow...

Made for People

The Village Church | Jul 16, 2023

The drumbeat of Genesis was God creating and calling it good. But after He made the first human, He saw it was not good for us to be alone. He made...

God’s Grace Guarantees Our Future

| Jul 10, 2023

Paul, inspired by the Spirit, states that God began a good work in us and will bring it to completion at Christ’s return. This prophetic, rugged ve...

Where's Our Help?

| Jul 3, 2023

The hills and high places were known centers for idol worship and altars to false gods. The Psalmist, looking up to these places, declares that his...

Commending to the Next Generation

The Village Church | May 22, 2023

Generation Z is not only the church of tomorrow, but the church of today. Psalm 145 calls us to invite the next generation into God’s greater story...

The Good News for Mothers

The Village Church | May 14, 2023

Motherhood is a reflection of the nature and character of God. The Accuser takes this truth and convinces moms that they should know everything, be...

A Community of Mercy in the Middle of Brokenness

| May 7, 2023

The ultimate act of mercy is shown in God giving His Son as a sacrifice for us, the undeserving, that we might be saved. God now calls us to go and...

A Community of Hope in a World of Rage

| Apr 30, 2023

In a world like ours, the Church should not be happening. Yet it continues to progress, all over the world, and will only get better over time beca...

Growing in Grace

| Apr 23, 2023

The gospel we first received is the gospel we still need. It serves the human heart as water, sunlight, and air serve the grass of the fields. The ...

Doubt and Mission

| Apr 18, 2023

The disciple Thomas was a zealous follower of Christ, yet is forever known for his moment of weakness. Right before Jesus commissions His followers...

Contempt and Redemption

| Nov 21, 2022

We all feel a sense of worthlessness or contempt in our hearts. We try to combat it with self-righteousness and self-loathing. When we realize that...

Church Planter Commissioning

| Nov 13, 2022

It is our hope and prayer that we will have planted and revitalized 30 healthy, gospel-centered, multiplying churches by the year 2030. And God has...

You Will Receive Power

| Nov 6, 2022

There is an innate hunger for abundant life hidden in the heart of people, and the vast majority don’t yet know the beauty, truth, and relevance of...

Pulling Back the Curtain

| Jul 18, 2022

Around the age of 90, the apostle John finds himself isolated on an island, far from the churches he had planted years ago, and imprisoned by the m...

Sweet Discipline

| Jul 11, 2022

To stand firm in hardship, we have to remember that we are children of a good, good God. In this sermon, Ryan Kwon reminds us that our Father train...

Desire, Delight, and Discontent

| Jul 5, 2022

In pursuit of contentment, our eyes become set on resources we do not have rather than what God has already given us. In this sermon, Mason King ca...

A Sober Celebration of Life

| Jun 27, 2022

In response to the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade, we celebrated the protection of life with a deep sense of sobriety. The work to ...

Wisely and Well

| Jun 20, 2022

In a flyover view of the book of Ecclesiastes, we see our lives as short and good and that we should live in preparation to meet our God. The time ...

Bring Your First and Best

| Jun 13, 2022

If we bring our first and best to something other than God, we bring an offering to something unable to sustain our worship. We have worshiped at w...

Celebrate and Rejoice

| Jun 6, 2022

There is a defiant joy and bend towards celebration by which the people of God are meant to be marked. While the church is messy and life increasi...

Lament and Hope

| May 31, 2022

There are moments when the brokenness becomes so vivid it wakes us to see our world for what it is. Let us lift our heads and turn our eyes to our...

Christ Is the "More"

| May 23, 2022

Our money can put us on a treadmill with a goal we will never reach. Material wealth and status lose their luster, leaving us wanting more. Christ...

Only God Is Great

| May 17, 2022

Jesus is not anti-wealth, but He knows that money makes for a worthless god. Jesus is not coming after our money but our hearts.

Let the Nations Be Glad

| May 9, 2022

God is redeeming, renewing, and restoring every tribe, tongue, and nation on earth, and we find ourselves in the middle of the story.

The Surprising Call of God

| May 2, 2022

God is at work around the world today. Lift up your eyes. The harvest is here.

Memento Mori

| Apr 25, 2022

Our days have been numbered, our God is trustworthy, and Jesus has dealt with our shame.

Invitation and Celebration

| Apr 19, 2022

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a means of celebration for the believer and an invitation for the unbeliever.

The Hope of the Church

| Jan 24, 2022

John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, encourages us to have hope that Jesus is Lord as we engage this cultura...

The Paradoxical Kingdom

| Sep 20, 2021

Jesus came to earth preaching the kingdom of God—His reign and rule over all creation—and it looks different than what many of us imagine.

Everyday Opportunities

| Sep 13, 2021

The love of Christ is the only answer to the brokenness of the world, but many of us walk right past what God is inviting us into every day.

The Breadth of the Gospel

| Sep 7, 2021

The Bible doesn’t just talk about the gospel as individual salvation; the gospel is the good news that God is redeeming everything.

The Depth of the Gospel

| Aug 30, 2021

You can grow up in church your entire life and never truly hear the gospel because receiving it and being transformed by its power requires God t...

Vibrant Spiritual Vitality

| Aug 9, 2021

Spiritually vibrant disciples keep in step with Jesus’ holy disruptions.

Do Not Quench Him

| Aug 2, 2021

Paul writes that we should refrain from quenching the Holy Spirit as He works to make us look more like Jesus.

God the Holy Spirit

| Jul 30, 2021

Often unrecognized, the Holy Spirit’s unseen work in the Christian is profound and necessary for life and godliness.

The Wondrous Love of God

| Jul 19, 2021

God’s love defines us, saves us, and transforms us, and it is the only thing that can correct our trajectory of lovelessness.

A Tale of Two Kingdoms

| Jul 12, 2021

The Lord’s Church is built to flourish in the face of opposition.

Who We Are In Him

| Jun 28, 2021

Paul writes in 2 Corinthians that the people of God are to be captive, aromatic ambassadors of Jesus to the world around them.

Hospitality Amid Hostility

| Jun 21, 2021

Jesus calls His followers to show radical hospitality to everyone we meet, especially those different from us.

Hunger and Thirst

| Jun 15, 2021

Your spiritual appetites reveal whether you’re on a trajectory of maturation or devolving back into infancy.

The Unstoppable

| Jun 7, 2021

God’s work of proclaiming the gospel through local churches is unstoppable, and He invites us to play a role in it.

Put On the New Self

| Jun 1, 2021

In his letter to the church at Colossae, Paul instructs the saints to live out their regeneration by actively participating in the Holy Spirit’s ...

Our Great Mission

| May 24, 2021

The Village Church exists to love God, love people, and make disciples of Jesus Christ, and by the Holy Spirit’s power, we are pursuing that miss...

A Community of Life

| May 18, 2021

The people of God are called by Scripture to be a community that cherishes and protects all human life.

In Pursuit of God’s Mission

| May 10, 2021

As Christ’s captive servants, God is calling us to offer our lives as a sacrifice of worship in the pursuit of His mission among all peoples.

A Good Death

| Apr 6, 2021

The grave could not hold Him! Our Lord Jesus has conquered death and is now seated at the right hand of the Father.

The Mark of God

| Jan 5, 2021

In Philippians 4, Paul charges the people of God to be marked by joy, graciousness, and prayer and to leave a mark themselves.

The Mystery of God in Church Planting

| Nov 24, 2020

Those who belong to a local church are part of the great mystery that lies at the center of God’s plan for salvation.

A Legacy of Generosity

| Nov 17, 2020

Generous grace-givers are motivated by an inward gospel reward and an outward gospel response.

What Now?

| Nov 11, 2020

As we reach the end of a contentious election season, we must continue to pray for our leaders and get back to the most important work there is: ...

Citizens of Earth

| Nov 3, 2020

In a time of extreme division and distrust in our society, the people of God have the opportunity to step in and overcome evil with good.

Citizens of Heaven

| Oct 27, 2020

The people of God are called to have a higher allegiance, law, hope, and standard than those who do not belong to Him.

The Comfort of God’s Story

| Aug 3, 2020

In the midst of the everyday suffering of this world, it is a comfort to be reminded that we are in God’s story and belong to Him.

Trusting the Guide

| Jul 27, 2020

Psalm 23 teaches us that though we may not always be able to discern God’s purposes in our lives, we can always trust His intentions as a Good She...

Credential or Christ? - Southlake

| Jul 26, 2020

This is a sermon preached at the Southlake campus.

Maturing in Christ

| Jul 20, 2020

As Christians, we grow into maturity and become people who respond to the hardships of life with patience, endurance, and joy when we remember wh...

Love is the Difference

| Jul 13, 2020

Paul’s prayer at the beginning of Philippians shows us that the love which flows from God is the starting point of the Christian life and should ...

2020 Church Planters

| Jul 5, 2020

Church planters Ethan Ezikian and Randle Bishop share about where the Lord is leading them and how you can support their efforts.

Kingdom Momentum

The Village Church | Jun 22, 2020

In this unique season, we have the opportunity to grow in holiness and devotion to Christ so that we might be sent out to a world in need of Him in...

Know What You Know

The Village Church | Jun 15, 2020

If we are going to experience the fullness of Christ in our lives, we need strength in our inner being, a work of the Spirit, and a level of holy d...

A Glorious Inheritance

The Village Church | Jun 9, 2020

Marveling at the inexhaustible well of God, Paul prays that those who love the Lord might grow in knowledge, hope, and power.

Rest Assured

The Village Church | Jun 2, 2020

Romans 5:1–5 tells us that we can rest in assurance because we are at peace with God, we stand in grace, our suffering is redeemed, and we ar...


The Village Church | May 26, 2020

At the end of Romans 8, Paul draws upon his own experiences to declare that God will always meet the Christian in the middle of suffering.

The Weight of the Gospel

The Village Church | May 19, 2020

In order to solve the problem of human sin, Jesus paid the price of death on the cross, fulfilling the promise of God.

Free of Charge

The Village Church | May 11, 2020

The gospel of Jesus Christ gives us the power to destroy strongholds that are created when we agree with the lie that we are unworthy of God’...

The Gift of the Son

The Village Church | May 4, 2020

We are able to find true identity and purpose for our lives because of the precious gift God has given us in Jesus Christ.

God Is For Us

The Village Church | Apr 28, 2020

At the end of Romans 8, Paul begins asking a series of questions that remind us of the powerful promises God has made to His people.

Confidence in Christ

The Village Church | Apr 20, 2020

Instead of placing confidence in spiritual credentials or physical comforts, Christians should place their confidence in Christ, His gospel, and th...

Living Into Reality

The Village Church | Apr 14, 2020

The glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ invites us into union with Him and allows us to set our minds on the things that are above.

Easter 2020 - Southlake

The Village Church | Apr 12, 2020


The Village Church | Apr 7, 2020

When we cry out to Jesus, we must remember that beyond simply meeting our felt needs, He wants to give us the ultimate treasure: Himself.

Cultivating Delight

The Village Church | Mar 31, 2020

In Psalm 37, David tells us that to combat anxiety, we must trust the Lord, do good, and commit our ways to Him.

Opportunity Knocks

The Village Church | Mar 23, 2020

In this difficult season of life, the Lord is graciously allowing us the chance to lean into joy, generosity, presence, and truth.

Forget Not All His Benefits

| Jan 13, 2020

Imago Dei

| Jan 7, 2020

The Power to Change

| Jan 3, 2020

Lessons from the Precipice

| Dec 2, 2019

Lives Worthy of the Gospel

| Nov 25, 2019

Men and Masculinity

| Jul 29, 2019

Fighting Against the Arena Culture

| May 13, 2019

Biblically Serious

| May 6, 2019

He Is Risen

| Apr 23, 2019

Strength, Love and the Fullness of God

| Apr 8, 2019

Our First Love

| Apr 1, 2019

A Vision of the King

| Mar 25, 2019

Discipleship and the Mission of the Church

| Mar 18, 2019

What Is Gospel-Centered Discipleship?

| Mar 11, 2019

Hopes for The Village

| Jan 2, 2019

What is a Disciple?

| Aug 12, 2018

So good to be here with you today. My name is J.T. English. I am one of the pastors here on staff. I oversee The Village Church Institute, our clas...

Delighting in the Love of God - Southlake

| Jul 2, 2018

Jesus First - Fort Worth

| Jul 2, 2018

Cross-Shaped Citizenship

| Jun 17, 2018

It's so good to be with you today. My name is JT English. I'm one of the pastors here on staff. I want to wish you fathers here a happy Fat...

Restoring Holiness

| Jun 10, 2018

Matt Chandler: Yeah! Praise God! I love that song, man. One of the great privileges I have in just kind of running in some of the lanes the Lord ha...

Ordinary Time

| May 27, 2018

Good morning. If you have a Bible, go ahead and flip with me to Acts, chapter 1. If you didn't bring a Bible, there should be one in the seat b...

The Power of Song

| Feb 18, 2018

A Testimony of Campus Transition

| Feb 11, 2018

Manhood Restored

| Feb 4, 2018

He Never Changes

| Dec 31, 2017

Enter the Story of Jesus

| Nov 26, 2017

[Video] Male: Stories are powerful. Stories captivate us and shape us. We can get distracted and disoriented by the false stories of our culture...

Growing Young

| Nov 19, 2017

Trust God Over Your Feelings

| Nov 18, 2017

Son, Your Sins Are Forgiven

| Nov 18, 2017

The Vanity of Pleasure

| Oct 8, 2017

The Fear Of Man

| Jul 15, 2017

Encouraging Our Singles

| Jul 1, 2017

Honoring Dad

| Jun 18, 2017

Christ Served Us

| Mar 12, 2017

Good morning, church. How are you? My name is Chris Groover, and I'm the high school minister here at the Flower Mound Campus. It's my hono...

Under the Faucet

| Aug 19, 2012

Substance Over Shadows

| Nov 20, 2011

Garbage and Glory

| Nov 13, 2011

Dealing with Doubt

| Aug 6, 2011

Remembering Rightly

| May 22, 2011

Gospel Clarity

| Apr 23, 2011


| Jan 6, 2008