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Jesus Our Substitute

This Is the Gospel -

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Gospel Power

| Nov 12, 2023

The gospel isn’t aspirational advice but the powerful work of God unto salvation. The gospel is God overpowering all that would rob His people of t...

Gospel Simplicity

| Nov 5, 2023

The gospel is both simple enough for a child to understand yet complex enough to never discover its full depth. Each of us is called to share the g...

The Gospel Wave

| Oct 29, 2023

We find ourselves caught up in something that existed long before us and will continue to expand into eternity. What started with 500 people in Jer...

Gospel Culture: Gifts

| Oct 15, 2023

The gospel creates a gifted people. God shares the spoils of His victory in Christ by equipping His people with a diversity of gifts. Each of which...

Gospel Culture: People

| Oct 8, 2023

The gospel moves through every culture throughout history calling people out of darkness and into His marvelous light. From the rich, the poor, the...

The Gospel in the Air

| Oct 1, 2023

All things were created through Christ and for Christ. His atoning work on the cross was for the sins of humankind and the redemption of creation. ...

The Gospel on the Ground

| Sep 24, 2023

We have all fallen short of God’s glory. While we were stuck in deep ruts of sin, Jesus Christ died for us. Our sins earned us death, but God gift...