Samuel Thomas

Samuel Thomas

Church Planter

Life Story

Wrecked by the gospel in 2011, God pulled me out of “serving” Him so I could truly fall in love with Him. A chase to know this God has flipped the script of what it means for me to walk with Jesus, move at His pace, and make disciples. I grew up in a South Indian household and culture where “doing” was more valued over “being.” God had to bring me to the end of myself for me to realize that I was on a fast track to self-destruction. I desire to help the next generation to also see this reality. The hope is to make true disciples who sit with Jesus and let Jesus invite us into what He is already doing.

Hope for The Village Church

I hope I can love, serve, and build up TVC in every way that I possibly can in the season I am fully committed to this church family and that TVC would love and build me up to be a strong disciple-maker for the kingdom.