Josh Cockrum

Josh Cockrum

High School Associate Minister

Life Story

I was born in Mountain Home, Arkansas, and grew up on a small, family-owned dairy farm. For most of my life, I was nominally Christian but did not grow up in the Church or with any clear understanding of the gospel. Christianity was so woven into our culture that I thought I was saved because I didn't do too many bad things and had gotten baptized when I was 11. That all changed during my junior year of high school when I was 16 and unexpectedly lost my dad to a heart attack. In the months and years that followed, I fell more and more into depression as I struggled to grieve his death. 

This led me to the lowest and darkest point of my life. When I was 20 and in my junior year at the University of Arkansas, the Lord pursued me and made His irresistible grace as real as the air I breathed. It was not the absence of pain that brought me faith, but rather the love and comfort of Jesus that guided me through the lowest valleys and lit up the darkest nights. 

After I graduated from Arkansas, I moved to Texas to attend Dallas Theological Seminary to be further trained and equipped for the ministry the Lord had before me. I have been attending TVC for most of my time since starting seminary and have been blessed by this community of faith. The love and kindness of these people create a sense of belonging that makes me feel at home here in Texas.

Hope for The Village Church

I hope we are a welcoming body to every person who walks through our doors, meeting them where they are, and pointing them to the love of Jesus. I hope we create a space where they feel like they belong and can grow in their faith, knowledge, and love for the Lord.