Enrique Huapaya

Enrique Huapaya

TVC Español Resident

Life Story

I was born in Lima, Peru. My mom became a Christian when I was 8 and took us to an evangelical church in Peru. When I was 10, we came to the U.S. and connected with a church in Oklahoma. My profession of faith was cultural; I didn't understand the gospel or Christianity. I grew up knowing it was good to go to church, but there was no desire to follow the Lord or give my life to Him.

In 2006, at the age of 21, I had a friend invite me to a Bible study she was attending. I was interested in going and, for the first time in my life, I experienced biblical community. I could tell these people loved Jesus. It seemed odd that they enjoyed times with the Lord, confessed their sins, and wanted to pursue righteousness. As I began to live life with them, I started understanding the cross and what Christ had done for me. The leader of the Bible study began to disciple me. Little did I know this was the beginning of me entering bi-vocational ministry and being involved in a church plant. One reason I have a heart for church plants is that I was saved in one. During my time in ministry, I have been involved in three church plants, one of which I was the church planter. My journey in ministry has had ups and downs, but the Lord has used it to build character and to become a healthier leader in the Church.

I met my wife in that first Bible study in 2008, and in August 2010 the Huapaya family was established. We have four awesome boys who absolutely love soccer and enjoy Dude Perfect videos. We moved from Oklahoma in July 2024 to be part of TVC Español and are excited for what is to come. We are trusting the Lord and taking steps of faith as a family.

Hope for The Village Church

I pray that the kingdom of God is advanced in Flower Mound and the surrounding areas. I pray that as believers share the gospel and make disciples, we will see more diverse communities (ethnically and generationally). My heart is to reach the Hispanic/Latino community so that many would come to know and love the Lord, be brought into the family of God, and be engaged with the local church—despite ethnic or generational differences.