Sean Rodriguez

Sean Rodriguez

Production Resident

Life Story

I grew up in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, raised by my mom and grandparents. Without a father, my grandfather, Eddie, became a father figure to me. He taught me about God and stressed the importance of having a relationship with Him. At the age of six, I gave my life to Jesus and got baptized. Despite not fully understanding the significance at that time, I knew that God had me in His hands and wouldn't let go, no matter the challenges I faced.

I continued to grow up in the church, actively participating in our youth groups and serving as much as possible. During a youth ministry conference at Oklahoma Baptist University in 2016 I felt God's calling on my life. I aspired to be the hands and feet of Jesus, but I wasn't certain about the specific ministry area to focus on. Over time, God directed me toward worship ministry, an area where my gifting grew significantly and one that I was deeply passionate about.

As a worship leader, I aim to point others to Jesus so they can experience authentic and meaningful worship with the Lord, recognizing that He is worthy of all our praise, all the time. In my young adult years, I faced various struggles, including challenging relationships, addictions, and mental health issues. During these trying times I had to question what I truly relied on. I talked about Jesus and preached about finding peace and rest in Him, but I struggled to apply it in my own life. This realization led me to make my faith a personal, daily relationship with God.

I am immensely grateful that God has sustained me through my lowest points and has remained constant, just, understanding, and loving. We serve a great God. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Hope for The Village Church

I hope we will be a strong community of believers who actively live out the gospel outside the four walls of the church, finish the mission given to us in Matthew 28, and consistently show love to those around us.