Gary Stevenson

Gary Stevenson

Redemptive Care Minister

Life Story

I was adopted at birth and don’t know my biological parents. I was raised in a broken home. My adopted parents divorced twice. My mom was the main spiritual light in the home. I don’t remember my father in church very often. My mother took us kids to church, and Jesus introduced Himself to me at a church camp. 

I didn’t realize it at the time, but I now know through a simple teaching of the parable of the lost sheep that Jesus was letting me know I would wander. And wander I did. I would say I believed in God, but I had no relationship with Jesus. A long season away from the church marked my teens to early 30s. But Jesus was coming for me.

During this time, I met my wife, Sandi. As our kids got a little older, Sandi decided we should start going back to church. Jesus used a simple ministry of Upwards Football to spark a true relationship with Him. This relationship with Him, the Light, shined brightly on the secret darkness within me, which ultimately brought about confession and repentance. Jesus redeemed and restored our broken marriage, and we have experienced generational renewal. We have served in Recovery for close to eight years now, where we testify to the faithfulness of Jesus and encourage others in the hope that is found in Him. I continue to be astounded by the beauty and faithfulness of Jesus and enjoy the opportunities He gives me to share about Him. 

Hope for The Village Church

My hope for The Village Church is for us to be seen as a light in the darkness of this world, where the grace, mercy, and love of Jesus is experienced through His people, where the gospel is proclaimed, and the Kingdom is advanced. I hope we are a place where the banner of Jesus flies above the name of The Village Church.