Lindsey Marks

Lindsey Marks

Elementary Associate Minister

Life Story

I was born in Corpus Christi, Texas, and grew up in Coppell. I heard the gospel at an event for incoming 6th graders and, seated quietly in my chair, too scared to walk down to the front, I believed in the saving work of Jesus Christ. The Lord planted and grew a humble seed of faith. I became the quintessential youth group kid. As a firstborn quite adept at rule-following, I learned the rules and excelled at “church.” I didn't know it, but I was stuck in fear and entangled by my deep drive to be “good enough.” I was far from walking in the fullness of Christ, but the Lord continued to give me a desire for more of Him. 

During my years at Texas A&M, my faith grew into something fresh and new. I learned to commune with the Lord. I learned to read His Word and experienced a community that blossomed with newfound vulnerability and our shared love for Jesus. I was married in January of 2008 and graduated that May. We moved back to Lewisville and became members of TVC. 

As our family grew, I entered a season of hardship. My marriage began to fall apart. The harder I fought, the more it unraveled. In this same season, I lost a baby at 20 weeks, layering on another loss and further grief. Trauma and pain had me stuck in a dark, hopeless place, but God gave me faith to endure and a community of people to hold me up. After a long season of fighting for my marriage, we divorced. I was crushed and disoriented. In such intense grief, the Lord in His kindness began to expose lies of the enemy that I had believed for too long. He started a process of healing my deep, hidden wounds.

The Lord has seen fit to strip things away from me; things I loved, wanted, and deeply desired. Through every moment, Jesus has never left my side. I have fallen more in love with Him through trials and wilderness wandering. He has fed me with manna, led me by the Spirit, and is teaching me contentment despite circumstance. In this period of refining, He has burned away what needed to go and solidified my faith.

Hope for The Village Church

I hope we grow deep roots and strong branches, planted by streams of living water, and scatter seeds of the gospel everywhere we go. I pray that we plumb the depths of God’s story, walk in the identity of who He says we are, and eagerly share His gospel with hungry souls waiting to hear—both in our area and to the very ends of the Earth.