The best way to feel connected at The Village Church is through relationships, and the best way to form relationships is through consistent service and community.

Don't know where to start?

This is your first step.

First Steps

Get to know our family of faith.

Whether you’re interested in finding a place to serve, becoming a member, or just curious to see what we’re all about, this class is for you.

First Sunday of each month
The Village Church, Suite 165

Key Announcements

Outreach Training

Outreach Training

Registration closes March 7
Outreach Training equips you to proclaim the gospel and make disciples with confidence and competence.
Construction Updates

Construction Updates

Stay Up-to-Date with the Progress
Check out our Weekend Experience page for the most accurate information on construction, parking, and more!


For Generations to Come
Join us as we joyfully build beyond ourselves and live into what the Lord is calling us toward in this season.

Upcoming Events

Gather25 at TVC

Gather25 at TVC

Friday, Feb 28, 6:00—11:00 PM
An unprecedented global broadcast event telling inspiring stories of the global Church, by the global Church
Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday, Mar 05, 6:30—7:30 AM
Young Adults Retreat

Young Adults Retreat

Friday, Mar 14, 6:00 PM—9:00 AM

Featured Story

We are not the ones doing the changing, that's the Holy Spirit's job. We just have to show up and make ourselves available.
Thomas, Short-Term Trip Participant

Serve With Us

Weekend Volunteer Connections

Weekend Volunteer

Create a welcoming home on a weekend service team including greeting, ushering, parking, and more.

Classroom Lead Preschool

Classroom Lead

Volunteer who leads a classroom and is responsible for managing the classroom time and environment.

Prayer Response Team Local Missions

Prayer Response Team

Pray with folks after the weekend gatherings, Encounter, and other events at TVC. The team members are t...